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Friday, 31 January 2014

Tutorial: Hello Kitty Nails (Requested by Hellen)

Hey guys! So a while ago, Hellen asked me if I could do a tutorial for Hello Kitty nails. I'm not very good at nails so this was the best I could do.

 Products Used:

How I did these nails:

1. I took the pink Rimmel nail polish and painted my nails as normal, covering the entire nail in pink.

2. Leave to dry completely.

3. Then I took the white Barry M nail polish and painted white polka dots over the pink nails on all nails except the for the ring finger. I just used the normal brush that came with the nail polish to do this by dotting the polka dots on with the bottom of the brush.

4. For the ring finger, start by painting white across the top of the nail like you would if you were doing a french manicure (you can use a french manicure sticker to do this). I use then normal brush to do this and then used the same brush to add little cat ears to it at each side.

5. After leaving the white dry, you can paint on eyes with a black nail polish and a nose with yellow nail polish (you can use a cocktail stick to do this or you can try it with the brush that came with the colours if you don't have any). Leave to dry and then you are all done.

I hope you enjoyed this post and I hope that you liked the Hello Kitty nails, especially you Hellen :) If anyone tries these nails, I would love if you would tweet me (@MissLauraBora) a picture of them once they are finished and I hope they come out better than mine.

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