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Monday 21 August 2017

How to claim your blog on Bloglovin (Blogger)

Today I'm back which another blogging tutorial: How to claim your blog on Bloglovin. Bloglovin is my favourite platform to use for following blogs but it's also the platform where my blog has the most followers. It can hugely benefit your blog to add it to Bloglovin because there are so many people who use it as their main way to keep track of all the blogs they read. So here is a quick, easy, step by step tutorial to show you how to add and claim your blog in Bloglovin. 
how to claim your blog on bloglovin
So before you can even add your blog to Bloglovin, you need to have an account. There are some of you who might already have an account just for following blogs that you can use, but if you don't, you need to create one (don't worry it's free). This is really simple. You just go to Bloglovin's site, and really easily sign up by entering your name, email address and new password for your profile. 

Step 1: Add your blog to Bloglovin

Once you are logged into your account, click on the search bar. A few things will come up automatically like suggested tags, but there should also be an option to 'Add blog'. If for some reason that isn't coming up, you can also click the icon with your profile picture on it and go to settings where there is a button to claim your blog.
how to add your blog to bloglovin (step 1)
Once you click on 'Add blog', a box will appear where you need to type the URL/blog address of your blog. Type it in and click the next 'Add blog' button. 
how to add your blog to bloglovin (part 2)
Your blog is now added to Bloglovin, which means people can start following it even if you haven't claimed it yet. You also have the option of not claiming your blog at all; people will still get updated when you post on it, even if it's not connected to your profile (which I don't recommend). One of the big benefits of claiming your blog is that you can then access blog analytics from your profile so you can see which of your blog posts are performing the best.

Step 2: Claiming your blog

Next, it will probably take you to your Bloglovin blog page, if it doesn't and you're still on the home page, you need to search up your blog (that you just added) in the search bar and click it. 
how to claim your blog on bloglovin (part 3)
Once you are in your Bloglovin blog page, there is an option to claim your blog located to the right of the page just under the 'follow' button. 
how to claim your blog on bloglovin (part 4)
Once you click the 'Claim it' button, you will be brought to a page that gives you a code snippet which you need to put into a new blog post on your blog (to verify that you do own the blog). This code is unique to you and your blog. Copy the code and go to your blog ( in another tab.
When you are on your blog homepage, create a new post.
add bloglovin code to your blogger blog (part 6)
In the new post, paste the code snippet that you copied earlier into the blog post (either in the Compose or the HTML section). This code can be put into a blog post on its own which you can delete after your blog is claimed, or you can add it to the end of a blog post that you are currently writing and intend to keep.

One tip I would recommend is to add it into the HTML instead of the Compose section because it appears nicer in the published blog post. If you paste it into the compose section, the code appears as a code once you publish the post but if you paste it into the HTML of the blog post, the code appears as a link entitled "follow my blog on Bloglovin" which your readers can use to follow your blog.

 Once you have written your blog post or just pasted in the code, publish your post.
Once your post is live, go back to the Bloglovin tab and click 'Claim Blog'. 
claim your blog on bloglovin (part 9)
Your blog is now claimed so you can start focusing on building your followers. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and it helped you in some way. I have written some other blogger help/tutorials posts before if you would like to check any of them out:

Have a great day and I'll talk to you all soon.
